Friday, May 15, 2009

New to blogging

My best friend told me once that I should start a blog because I was funny. Here we are a while later and I have yet to think of anything funny, but I do have a blog. I think she might just be easily amused.

She said that with all of my travels I would have lots of great stories to tell. She obviously didn't know where I have to travel to. I do get to go to places like Athens, Paris, Edinburg, Buffalo, Atlanta and even Venus. Of course, these are all the Texas versions and not near as glamorous. Do you know the Brian Burns Texas version of "I've Been Everywhere"? That's my life. I like it, though.

I was in Pearsall at the Wal-Mart getting name tags (because, of course, I forgot them). If you know where Pearsall is, you will understand this. I pretty much felt like Davy Crockett at the Alamo. There were chihuahuas running around loose in the parking lot. The irony cracked me up. It wouldn't have been near as funny if they had been German Sheppards or Blue Heelers. Chihuahuas. You can't make this stuff up.

I lost the keys to my company car in the mall in Lubbock. Talk about being freaked out. I was already a little freaked out that I was in a mall in Lubbock, but then to lose the keys. Geez. That wasn't a funny story, but it was a story and you must start with the baby steps when it comes to blogging.

I have noticed an increase in these large gorilla statues that people have outside of their houses around the state. I have yet to figure out the purpose. It's not like it's even a beautiful, majestic lion (which I would never do either), but it's a gorilla. A plain old black gorilla. It doesn't even look particularly mean. Just there. Hangin' out. It's really random and if anyone can explain that to me, please, by all means do.

That last paragraph made me realize that I have forgotten when to use commas. It's really a basic skill. However, it must not be a skill that is like riding a bike. I have forgotten it.

I'm not sure how to end a blog, but I feel like a need a cool sign-off slogan. I will work on that.