Friday, September 25, 2009

The Puzzle

Do you ever get the feeling that something big is about to happen? That some life altering event is about to take place. Good or bad, you know something is coming. That some piece of your life's puzzle is about to fall into place. I get a lot of windshield time and recently, I happened to get this same feeling. That I was on the brink of something great.

This got me thinking about my puzzle. I know that God has a plan and I take great comfort in that. He has the box to use as a guide in my puzzle. Sometimes, I wish He would share that box with me. Give me a glimpse of what is to come. Sometimes, I like to be surprised. Not knowing what's around the next corner can be an invigorating feeling. Terrifying, also. The key is knowing that there is something around the corner. That there is a master plan.

My puzzle is not complete. It's already been started. I have the outside (you know, the part with the straight edges) already put together. I think each side to my puzzle has a meaning. Each side represents one of the four most important aspects of my life. Faith, Family, Friends, Work. I know it's strange that work is in there, but my work is something that I really identify with. I consider work ethic as a major indication of character. I think my puzzle is probably a square with rounded edges. There is no clear definition between these four elements of my life. They all overlap in some way, with Faith running through all sides.

My work has strengthened the friend side of my puzzle. I have gained some of the most important friendships of my life through my work. In return, my work has been strengthened by friends and family. As my Faith strengthens, the relationships in the rest of the puzzle are strengthened at the same time. These sides; this foundation; are what I base all of my actions on. I would like to say that I don't care what people think, but I do. Immensely. Granted, it's only God and the people that mean the most to me that I care about. Why shouldn't you care what they think of you? If they are the reason that your life has meaning, wouldn't you want them to be happy with the direction you were taking your life?

Part of life is not knowing. No matter how much we plan. I've heard it said that if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. No matter how much we think that life should be one way, it may not be. There are many things I thought would have happened in my life by the time I was 25 that haven't happened yet. However, there are many things that HAVE happened that I never dreamed would have. I have to admit, I've had a hard time dealing with some of those things that haven't happened. The things that seemed to be missing. Until I realized that they aren't missing, they just haven't revealed themselves to me yet. "Yet" being the key word. Everyone knows that patience is a virtue, but not one I possess. It's one I work on every day of my life. If you know in your heart that you want something, it will happen for you when the time is right.

I still don't know for sure what I'm on the brink of. I do know that we all have our own puzzle. Each one is in varying stages of progress. We are all waiting for the pieces to fall into place. My advice? Don't rush it. You won't have anything to look forward to if all the pieces fit too early. Don't wish your life away.